Koalicija SocijalistiÄke Partije Srbije, Jugoslovenske Levice i Nove Demokratije
Coalition of Socialist Party of Serbia, Yugoslav Left and New Democracy
Nova demokratska stranka - ZelenÄ«/Liga socijaldemokrata Vojvodine/Zajedno za Srbiju/Demokratska zajednica vojvoÄanskih MaÄara/Zajedno za Vojvodinu/Demokratska levica Roma
New Democratic Party-Greens/League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina/Together for Serbia/Democartic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians/Together for Vojvodina/Democratic Left of Roma
Akademik Muamer ZukorliÄ - Samo Pravo - Stranka pravde i pomirenja (SPP) - Demokratska partija Makedonaca (DPM)
Academician Muamer Zukorlic - Straight ahead - Party of Justice and Reconciliation SPP - Democratic Party of Macedonians DPM
original name missing
alliance: New Democratic Party-Greens/League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina/Together for Serbia/Democartic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians/Together for Vojvodina/Democratic Left of Roma
alliance (Coalition of Socialist Party of Serbia, Yugoslav Left and New Democracy)
alliance (Coalition of Socialist Party of Serbia, Yugoslav Left and New Democracy)
alliance (Socialist Party of Serbia/Party of United Pensioners of Serbia/United Serbia)
alliance (Socialist Party of Serbia/Party of United Pensioners of Serbia/United Serbia)
alliance (New Democratic Party-Greens/League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina/Together for Serbia/Democartic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians/Together for Vojvodina/Democratic Left of Roma)
alliance (New Democratic Party-Greens/League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina/Together for Serbia/Democartic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians/Together for Vojvodina/Democratic Left of Roma)
16 Jul 20
added: June 9, 2020, 12:29 a.m. — updated: Aug. 19, 2023, 1:52 p.m.